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I would be really curious to know.

I have had several ferrets that I have used for hunting.

And I have seen ferrets kill a few poisonous snakes.

Likewise, I have seen poisonous snakes kill ferrets.

I do not see any lizard killing a ferret. So I am guessing a

Western Diamond Back rattle snake.

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Q: What reptile eats black-footed ferrets?
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What does blackfooted ferret play?

my ferret, kooperton, who is a blackfooted ferret plays tag and hide and go seek, he also plays aattack the human, and pulls off my socks. Ferrets play a lot and play everything

What do ferrets eat naturaly?

Ferrets are carnivores so in the wild they eat meat but they have been bred to eat specially made ferret food. added : domestic ferrets, the ones you keep as pets, cannot and do not survive in the wild. They are 100% dependant on humans for food and shelter. There has never been, in recorded history, a case of a domestic ferret becoming feral. When a domestic ferret is "released" into the wild, it soon dies by predation, or starvation. The "wild" ferret is properly called the North American Blackfooted Ferret, and is highly endangered and protected. They were once thought to have become extinct, but have been reintroduced through a captive breeding and release program. It is illegal to own or bother a blackfooted ferret. In the wild, the blackfooted ferret eats mainly prairie dogs, (and then lives in their burrows)or any other animal it can overpower. Domestic ferrets, the ones kept as pets, should be fed a high protien diet of high quality meat-based cat food. They should NOT be fed dog food, as it does not contain enough nutrient for ferrets. Raw uncooked meats, such as beef, and chicken are also appreciated by domestic pet ferrets.

What is an omnivorous reptile?

An omnivorous reptile is a reptile that eats both plant matter and other animals. Examples include green iguanas, box turtles, and some species of tortoises.

What eats snakes in the dessert?

Ferrets do Ferrets in thw wild he snakes scorpions an birds ear snakes

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probably anything any reptile

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an iguana, snake etc.

A reptile that lives on an island and the coast of South America and eats plants?

It is the Giant Tortis

Does a ferret eat large amounts of food?

No, a ferrets only eats what it needs. Ferrets eat about every 4 hours, as they have a rapid digestive system. They need to have food and water available at all times.

Can you give an example of what animal eats flamingos?

I don't know exactly, but maybe a amphibious reptile (crocodilian (crocodile)).

Is a turtle a type of fish even if it eats fish?

A turtle is not a fish, it is a reptile. Why Would you think that??????

What if a ferret eats candy?

A ferret that consumes sugar or carbohydrates on a regular basis will eventually turn into Insulinomas - tumors of the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Ferrets that consume chocolate could possibly cause death.

Do ferrets eat small or large amounts of food?

A ferret eats neither large or small amounts of food, they only eat what they need about every three to four hours. As ferrets can weigh between 1 to 4 lbs, the amount they eat can widely vary.