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Gecko species are typically solitary animals and should not be housed with other species of gecko, or other species of reptile.

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Q: What other reptiles can live with a crocodile gecko?
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Three native reptiles that live in Florida?

Three native reptiles that live in Florida are the American alligator, the Eastern diamondback rattlesnake, and the Green anole lizard.

Can a leopard gecko live with a crocodile gecko?

No, a leopard gecko can live with other leopard geckos, if both are female. During the breeding season, males can be housed with females but not any other reptile, unless you want a dead gecko.

Can a crocodile gecko live with hermit crabs?

yes, because they are bdat

Can a crocodile gecko and a Malaysian golden gecko live in the same cage?

they'll probably fight, so no i don't recommended

What are the reptiles that live in US?

snakes, crocodile, alligators, lizards, geckos

Can a crocodile gecko live with a marble gecko?

No it wouldn't be the smartest idea. A turners, a bibron, or a moorish/wall gecko will co-exist with a crocadile, as long as their both females. If you own a male, buy a new setup for any other species.

What other animals live in a crocodiles habitat?

Species of fish, deer, bear, cougar, raccoon, opossum, birds, and other reptiles.

Do any reptiles live in saltwater?

Yes. For example, the sea turtle and the saltwater crocodile.

Do Gecko live in the desert?

They does it because they are cold blooded reptiles and need slight to stay warm

Why do frogs and crocodile live both on land and water?

Because amphibians and reptiles lived in water and land. as always

What reptiles can a flying gecko live with?

None. Geckos are solitary creatures and very territorial. They will stress with the presence of another species.

Do geckos have live babies?

Yes, they can. While the majority of gecko species lay eggs, there are some gecko species that bear live births, in a method known as vivipary or ova-viviparous. Some species that bear live births include: Naultinus elegans elegans, Rhacodactylus trachyrhynchus, Rhacodactylus trachycephal. In addition, there are approximately 40 gecko species endemic to New Zealand which all give birth to live young. No New Zealand gecko lays eggs.