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Q: What omnivores in the desert eat desert cottontails?
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Do cottontails live in the desert?

Cottontails Do live in the desert hence the name DESERT COTTONTAILS. They are scattered around the world in many places

Why don't desert cottontails need to drink a lot of water?

Cottontails get much of the water they require from the food they eat.

Why don't desert cottontails need to drink a lot of water.?

Cottontails get much of the water they require from the food they eat.

What omnivores eat snakes in the Sahara desert?

foxes eat snakes (foxes are omnivores)

Are desert cottontails endangered?


Are there bunnies in the Sonoran Desert?

Yes, there are 'bunnies' in the Sonoran Desert - cottontails and jackrabbits.

What do desert creatures eat?

Desert animals either eat plants or they eat each other. Some eat both plants and animals (omnivores).

Are Camel omnivores?

Camels are considered as omnivores because they eat different kinds of desert plants like dried grass and they also eat meat which are crabs and scorpions.

What do desert rabbits eat?

Cottontails are sometimes called desert rabbits. Cottontails are herbivores, and they eat a wide variety of plants, including grasses, forbs, shrubs and even cacti; however, ninety percent of their diet is grass. Cottontails will forage on domestic crops, even the bark of fruit trees. They get most of their water from either the plants they eat or dew that forms on the plants. When cottontails feed, their ever-growing incisors cut clean slices through twigs or plants at a forty five-degree angle. Cottontails are coprophagic, meaning they eat their own feces. Since grass is difficult to digest, the rabbits eat the first-formed set of pellets after a meal. Additional nutrition is extracted during the second digestive process. Pellets from the second set are very hard, fibrous and lack nutritive value.

What animals can eat plants and animals in the deserts?

Desert Omnivores consist of mostly: Coyotes Ravens

Are desert foxes omnivores?

Yes, desert foxes are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. Their diet can include small mammals, insects, fruits, and plants depending on what resources are available in their habitat.