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Some gecko species such as the Crested gecko or the Gargoyle gecko can be born red. Throughout their growth, some may loose the red coloration and others may have the red color brighten.

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Q: What looks like a baby gecko only it's red?
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No, leopard gecko's have solid tounges, like us, only they are very thin. (Note: i do own a leopard gecko, so i should know)

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Only if you'd like to, but I wouldn't consider it.

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A baby kangaroo, or joey, looks nothing like its parent when it is born. It is tiny - only about 2cm long - blind, and hairless.

Why does a Broad-Tailed Gecko's tail look like its head?

This is an adaptation which not only helps the gecko to camouflage in its habitat, but it also helps the gecko escape from predators. If the predator grabs hold of the what it thinks is the head, the gecko can drop its tail and escape safely. The tail grows back with time.

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The only way you can be sure of paternity is to take a DNA test, otherwise nothing will stand up legally. You should seek legal advice.

If a gecko got cut can it reform?

A Gecko can only loose it's tail ,and survive.

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A baby giraffe looks like a smaller version of an adult giraffe. If in the first few minutes of the birth, the baby giraffe will be rather wobbly as it tries to stand. It is important that the baby is soon able to walk and run along side their parents, as there are many predators in the wild.

For my birthday i will be getting a new lizard i have a gecko but would now like something bigger i really like bearded dragons and Chinese water dragons can you suggest any other good social lizards?

Social lizards ? The ONLY lizard you should be putting in with a gecko - is another gecko - and then only if (a) you want to breed or (b) they're both female. Two males together will fight !