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I believe you are referring to the Grey Rat Snake.

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Q: What kind of snake is gray with black spots in Oklahoma?
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Can rat snakes be gray with black markings?

Yes, rat snakes can be gray with black markings. The gray rat snake, also known as the black rat snake, is a common species that is usually gray with dark blotches or markings along its body. These snakes are non-venomous and can be found in a variety of habitats across North America.

What colour is the snow leopard?

The color of their fur is pure white with dark black spots. They can also have a smoky gray or yellowish fur. The spots could be dark gray instead of dark black spots.

What snake would be in the Midwest that was black and orange?

the gray banded king snake or corn snake

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gray with black spots

What colour is a black leopard?

gray backs white spots on the back and white tummy

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A honey golden fur with black gray spots.

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when it gets black,gray, or green spots.

What kind of dog is gray with black spots and floppy ears?

Possible that it is a Catahoula. I saw a very gray dog with small black spots, and have been looking for this answer myself. So far some Catahoula's are the closest I've seen.

What colour is a rat snake?

Rat snakes are black,yellow and gray. black ones are from new england.they are harmless.

What color is shark color?

Their mostly black or gray but if its a whale shark brownish with white spots.

What snake has a black head and gray body?

I have know clue but i wanna know cause my brother saw one in our barn he described it as gray body black head and a lil bit to 17 ft!!

What is the color of a whippoorwill?

A whippoorwill has mottled brown and gray feathers for camouflage.