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The king cobra and you wouldn't want to be near one of those because of it's venom

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Q: What kind of snake flattens it's head when it strikes?
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Is there a kind of snake that when you cut his head off the head can grow back onto the snake?

No. If you cut a snake's head off it will die.

What kind of snake is a Cu head?

its a snak

What creature is a copper head?

It is a kind of venomous snake.

What kind of snake is a solid orange snake with a somewhat triangular head?

triangular head means venomous so stay away

What kind of uk snake has a green body with yellow head?

A young common grass snake

What kind of snake is silver with black markings and will raise its head and flare it out?

Are you saying that the snake has like a "hood" around the head? If so, that is a cobra.

What Snake has a banded body and black head?

It sounds like a king snake, they are harmless. I cant tell you what kind it is because it depends on were you live.

What kind of snake is in kung-fu panda?

A green tree viper (Trimeresurus stejnegeri).

What kind of snake is red and yellow with black diamonds running down its back?

Do NOT mess with that kind of snake it is poisonous and it is called a copper head. ( I'm am 11 year old snake expert) I am right don't deny mebecause of my age

What kind of snake is brown with red eyes and a triangular-shaped head?

I don't know what kind of snake that is, but the head shape you describe sounds like a viper. Can you see a real definition from the head and body? It doesn't flow as one? If that is the case it could be a viper. Since you don't know stay away from it.

What kind of snake can be found in Oregon that is bright orange and black?

Depends largely on where you saw said snake. Here in Texas it could be a water snake, a water moccasin, a rat snake, or several others, depending on the pattern of the coloration, head size/shape, ect...

What kind of snake is black and brown?

Lots of snakes are brown and black. You'd need to be more specific about the patterning, size, head shape, and location you spotted the snake to get a good answer.