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depends on wat kind of turtle but normally a heat lamp a filter if u want a rock and something the turtle can hide under

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Q: What kind of setup do you need for a baby turtle?
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What kind of living situation do baby turtles need?

Baby turtles need a heat lamp with a floating rock, if your getting an aquatic turtle. they like to sit in the heatlamp to heat their shell. Also, once in a while, you should take the turtle outside so the sun's energy can get absorbed for healthy nutrients

Does a baby turtle need a big tank?

What kind of turtle is it? Turtles like painted turtles and slider turtles should be fine. But turtles like musk, mud, or soft shell turtles would have trouble reaching the surface to breath. Do some research on your turtle and find out what their habitat should be. Deep or shallow.

Do you need a tank for a turtle?

It depends what kind of turtle it is.Some turtles do not need water and can be kept in a room,or big area.

How should you set up a baby snapping turtle home?

The good thing about a baby snapping turtle is that they dont like to bask so u dont need a light. U should set the tank up with a rock and a piece of lettuce, or some kind of water plants so that the baby snapper can hide under it

If a turtle you brown with orange spots on the legs and head what kind is he and what habitat does he need to survive?


Does a baby western pond turtle need a filter?

Yes unless your willing to to clean its enclosure once every week!! It's more healthy for the turtle too

What kind of batteries does the baby doll baby annabell need?

double AA'S

How long can you keep a baby turtle?

You can keep a baby turtle as long as you like but you need to keep it in water and away from animals like cats, playful dogs, and big turtles. Some turtles like to eat their babies. Yea....... :D

What should you do if your baby red eared slider consumed a piece of his styrofoam rock platform?

TAKE YOUR TURTLE TO THE VET IMMEDIATELY Your turtle may have an internal blockage which can be fatal and he/she might need an operation.

How much is cost turtle?

In order to find out the amount of the turtle you need to know what kind of turtle you want. If you want a painted turtle it would be about $24.99, painted turtles are really friendly. If you were wanting a tortoise Greek Tortoise are really nice but are high priced, about $99.99

What size aquarium does a baby PAINT turtle need?

10 gallon if its only 2 inches and a 20 gallon for 4 inches

How much uvb does a baby turtle needed?

Turtles, whether they are babies or not, need 10-12 hours of UVB light daily.