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It's a snapping turtle. Come on, you should know this!

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Q: What kind of organism is a turtle?
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What is the turtle organism?

The largest organ in the turtle's body is the liver.

What is the organism of sea turtle?


What is a loggerhead turtle?

A loggerhead turtle is an organism that lives in the neritic portion of the ocean

Is a turtle an organism?

yes, everything alive is

What is the lenhgt of an adult turtle?

what kind of turtle?

What type of organism is a turtle?

All turtles are Reptiles.

Is the sea turtle an endangered organism?

Some are, yes.

Is a turtle a plankton?

No.. Plankton is a single cell organism.

What kind of turtle is in the last song?

the loggerhead turtle

What kind of turtle has red strips?

a poisones turtle

If a turtle has red stripes on its arms and legs then what kind of turtle is it?

i vote that is is the redstripedarmsandlegs turtle.

What makes the perfect turtle home?

depends on what kind of turtle