i think it depends on the type of gecko
Small insects - such as 'micro-crickets'
Geckos mostly eat small insects and bugs like crickets.
No.. because geckos eat insects and plants... so they are an omnivore.
Small crickets, worms, many insects.
Leopard geckos primarily eat insects like crickets, mealworms, and waxworms. They can also eat cockroaches, but it's important to ensure they are not toxic or carrying diseases before feeding them to the gecko.
no they only eat insects at night
plate tailed geckos eat desert insects and flying insects.
Leopard geckos can eat mealworms and waxworms. They can also eat insects, their favorite being crickets, and they can even eat pinky mice.
No, a geckos leopard geckos diet consists of live feeders such as insects, arachnids, arthropods and smaller reptiles.
A small gecko should not be eating any live feeder wider than the size between your geckos eyes. The animals can usually eat pinhead crickets, fruit flys, or depending on the species, even enjoy meal replacement powder every so often.
They are omnivores that eat insects and a variety of fruits.