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There are several species of harmless snakes that will mimic a rattlesnake. One of the more impressive is the gopher snake. They will shake their tails when they feel threatened and, if they happen to be on dry leaves, they sound just like a rattlesnake.

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8y ago
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13y ago

the only snake that acts like a rattler is the rattle snake and the rat snake. the rat snake doesn't have a rattle or venom but is very aggressive and will lunge at you.

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11y ago

Two that I know of are the fox snake (vibrates their tail) and kingsnakes (move their tail in leaves)

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The Rattle snake

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10y ago

A rattlesnake.

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Q: What is the type of snake that rattles its tail to simulate a rattlesnake?
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Is a rattlesnake a young snake?

No a rattlesnake is a specific type of snake. They have rattles at the end of their tail that they shake to warn others around them. They do this before striking to scare predators away but if you get closer they will strike and bite you.

What are the most rattles found on a rattlesnake?

sagebrush geckos eat ants, crickets, small beetles, and other bugs.

How do you tell a male rattlesnake from a female?

I was told that the male rattlesnake's rattles get smaller from the body of the snake to the tip of the rattles Making a set of rattles in the shape of a Christmas tree and the female rattlesnake's rattles are the same width from the body of the snake until the tip of the rattles. I was told the by a taxidermist. The rattles of a male rattelsnake lay vertical and the female lay horizontal (flat)

What is the difference between a regular snake bite and a rattlesnake bite?

A nonvenomous snake bite will usually heave two parallel rows of tiny puncture wounds from the teeth. A rattlesnake bite will usually have two larger puncture wounds from the fangs. See the image of a rattlesnake bite above.

How do you tell a baby rattlesnake from a bull snake?

Baby rattlesnakes typically have a rattle at the end of their tail, whereas bull snakes do not have a rattle. Additionally, the head of a rattlesnake is triangular and has heat-sensing pits between the nostrils and eyes, while bull snakes have a more rounded head without pits. Lastly, rattlesnakes have vertical slit pupils, while bull snakes have round pupils.

Which desert snake makes noise with its tail?

The rattlesnake is known for making noise with its tail by shaking its rattle, which is made up of interlocking segments that create a distinctive buzzing sound when it's vibrated. This serves as a warning to potential threats to stay away.

Do rattlesnake tail cause good luck?

Definitely not for the snake.

Which desert snake makes a noise with its tail?

Only the rattlesnake has a built in rattle. However, some other harmless species, such as the gopher snake, will vibrate its tail if threatened. If the snake happens to be on dry leaves or grass, this can produce a sound that mimics a rattlesnake.

What other snake has rattles?

Rattlesnakes are the only snakes that actually have the little bulbs on end of the tail, but a lot of snakes rattle their tail in leaves to warn anything near by that they are upset.If you are walking in the woods and you hear what you think is rattling, then I would walk slowly away. It could be anything from a rat snake to a three foot long Diamondback Rattler. Copperheads are also notorious for doing this.

What is a reptile that makes a rattling sound by shaking its tail?

Rattlesnakes have a built-in rattle but several other species of snake, such as the gopher snake, will vibrate the tail when threatened. If the snake happens to be on dry leaves, it will sound just like a rattlesnake.

What is a python and a rattlesnake?

The python is rather large spieces of snake and they typically live in bogs, wetlands, forests, or mashes. This spieces and the boa spiecies squeeze their pray to death rather than eat it alive or poison it. The rattle snake is also a unique spieces of snake that has venom that will kill you, but what makes it unique is the rattler on the tip of it's tail. when you get to close to the snake it rattles it, keep in mind that the snake will always rattle it's tail before it strikes.

Which snake makes noise with its tail?

Rattlesnakes have 'rattles' that are shaken and produce a baby rattle sound. The rattles are made of hollow beads which are actually modified scales from the tip of their tale. Every time they shed their skin, a new bead is added to the tale.