The solution in the clue of the hissing serpent is that the serpent is a symbol for the letter "S". This can be seen in the English language as the letter "S" is often written in a similar style to the hissing serpent with a curved line that has a single point at the end. Additionally the hissing sound that a serpent makes is similar to the sound of the letter "S" when it is pronounced. Therefore the solution to the clue of the hissing serpent is the letter "S".
The Clue of the Hissing Serpent was created in 1974.
The Clue of the Hissing Serpent has 181 pages.
i have no clue
so one needs to answer this question becouse i have no clue
Madagascan hissing cockroaches make a noise by forcing air out of a special hole.
It can be (hissing snakes, hissing cats). It is the present participle of the verb to hiss, and is otherwise a verb form or a noun (gerund).
Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches
It got its name by hissing and they fight too.
Geese make a hissing sound.
Most likely, the hissing repels predators long enough for the hissing cockroach to escape and breed, thus passing the genes that contribute to hissing biology on to another generation.
It might be hissing due to the bareings going out in it.
Madagascar hissing cockroach was created in 1853.