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the african morepork shark

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Q: What is the smallest and most deadly snake?
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What is the most deadliest snake in the universe?

The Inland Taipan snake is the most deadly in the world.

What is the most deadly snake in Canada?


What is the US's most deadly snake?

Crotalus horridus

Is a black mamba deadly?

It's the most deadliest snake in the world

What is the most deadly snake on the west coast?

Diamond BacK Rattlesnake

What is an animal simile for 'as deadly as'?

as deadly as a snake's hiss

What is the most deadly snake in panama?

The Bushmaster is the largest and most deadly poisonous snake in Central and South America. It's poison is both neurotoxic and hemotoxic. Due the size of its fangs and the large amount of venom it is able to inject (called invenomation) the Bushmaster is easily the most deadly snake in terms of strength of poison. The term deadly also applies to the number of people killed per capita by a particular species of snake. A snake that likes to ambush its prey (such as the Bushmaster) is less likely to encounter people as opposed to the Ferdelance which is frequently found actively hunting rats around villages.

What are the most poisonous animals in the world and also one of the smallest?

its the SAND SNAKE

If a venomous snake is bitten by the same species of snake would it die?

Yes! A deadly snake's venom can kill all most any thing even its own kind.

Are garter snakes one of the smallest in the world?

yes it is the third smallest snake in the world next to the bow snake and the worm snake

What is the most deadly snake in South Africa?

# The Puff Adder: # The Black Mamba, # The Cape Cobra,

How deadly is the Taipan snake?

because it has venom that is so strong that it can kill over 250,000 mice