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Liar, sneaky, opportunist, shady

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Q: What is the slang word snake?
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What does the Australian slang word joe Blake mean?

"Joe Blake" is Australian slang for a snake. It is often used in a humorous or casual way when referring to snakes.

What eats a Boom slang snake?

The Komodo dragon

What does the afrikaans slang oud mean?

Slang oud are 2 words in Afrikaans, with slang referring to a snake and oud referring to old.

What does chedda mean?

It is a slang term for the word money It is a slang term for the word money It is a slang term for the word money is a slang term for the word money is a slang term for the word money

What is the English translation of the Dutch 'gladde groene slang'?

"Smooth green snake," "Green grass snake" or in the United States of America "American grass snake" may be English equivalnes of "gladde groene slang" (Opheodrys vernalis).

What is a slang word for buzz?

Buzz IS a slang word.

Is a boomslang a frog a snake or a bird of prey?

It is a type of tree snake, directly translated from the "Afrikaans" language. (Boom - tree; slang - snake)

What continent does the boom-slang live in?

The boom-slang is a southern African tree snake. Found from the Congo to Capetown.

What is the slang word for brother?

The slang word for brother is "bro" or "bruh."

What is the meaning of slang word?

This word "Slang" is an abbreviation of "Sick Language" i.e. SLANG. and in slang "Sick" means "Cool".

What does schlonged mean in English?

According to the urban slang dictionary it means to be slapped by a man using his large penis.

What is the slang word for fliver?

Fliver IS a slang word - it means an automobile.