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the bracing smell of the sea side is known as ozone

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Q: What is the sea that smells like rotten eggs?
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How can you make your bedroom smell like the sea?

You Can Buy Something Like Perfume Or The Spray Cleaner That Smells Like Sea And Spray It Lots In Your BedRoom Lots Everywhere! You could also add stuff that smells like the sea such as sand in a bottle of shells

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the sea cucumber ate debby. it smells like a catatpillar

What do sea turtles eggs look like?

They look like normal bird eggs but a little smaller.

Is a sand dollar a died sea urchin?

yes it smells like horse dik

Do sea otter's lay there eggs in water?

Sea Otters give live birth to their young like all mammals. Except for the Platypus, he lays eggs.

I put sand from myrtle beach in a Snapple bottle with ocean water and some sea shells to bring to my mom when I got home the sand had turned black and it smelled like rotten eggs when I opened it over time now the shells are black can you tell my why?

The steam

What does Saltwater smell like?

well saltwater smells like chlorphine and is found in the most parts of the sea remember this is my opinion of salt water

Do sea monkey eggs hatch more sea monkeys?

Well ... Yes ... Typically they should. I don't think you'll be getting any Gold Fish or anything like that out of those eggs ...

Why do sea turtles swim to the coast?

so they can lay eggs and their eggs can walk to the sea.

Your sea monkey eggs are not hatching what do you do?

how many eggs to you get in a sea monkey starter kit

Do squids smell?

Yes he does, he smells like faces. He is a ginger retard. He also looks like neil of inbetweeners.

What are olive sea snake's predators?

The olive sea snake eats things like crabs fish eggs and moray ells.