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Herpetology is the science of reptiles as well as amphibians.

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Q: What is the science of reptiles?
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Do herpetologist study life science earth science or physical science?

Herpetologists primarily study life science. They focus on the study of reptiles and amphibians, including their biology, behavior, ecology, and conservation.

What animals have thick dry skin which help them live on land?

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What type of science is herpetology?

herpetology is the study of reptiles and perhaps amphibians (frogs, salamanders?)

Are snakes part of science?

The study of snakes would be considered a science. the overall science would be biology and the scientist would be a 'herpetologist' (who studies reptiles). Snakes themselves are naturally occurring animals.

What is the science of herptology?

Herpetology refers to the study of amphibians and reptiles of the animal kingdom. Those involved in this field study the behaviors, classification, diets, lifespan, etc. of said amphibians and reptiles.

What branch is herpetologist in life earth or physical science?

Herpetology falls under the life sciences branch, specifically in the field of biology that focuses on the study of reptiles and amphibians.

What has the author Ernest A Liner written?

Ernest A. Liner has written: 'Bibliography and scientific name index to amphibians and reptiles of the Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences, volumes 1-95, 1872-1992' -- subject(s): Amphibians, Bibliography, Indexes, Kansas Academy of Science, Kansas Academy of Science. Meeting, Reptiles 'Bibliography and scientific name index to amphibians and reptiles in the publications of the Biological Society of Washington' -- subject(s): Indexes, Bibliography, Amphibians, Reptiles, Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington

Why reptiles are endangered?

They eat a lot of insects and other arthropods, some of them are a plague to humans. The skin of reptiles like monitor lizards, snakes and crocodiles is used to make leather and the meat of a lot of reptiles is used as food. Many turtles are being used as a 'medicine' in Asia. And a lot of reptiles are sold as pets.

What is baiology?

I'm assuming you mean "Biology." If so, biology is the science and study of life, in all forms, from protists and amoebas to mammals and reptiles.

What has the author Belinda Weber written?

Belinda Weber has written: 'Animal Disguises (Science Kids)' 'The Mummy' 'School Rules' 'Biggest, Tallest, Greatest, Bestest!' 'Me and My Pet (Me & My Pet)' 'Animales Disfrazadas' 'Reptiles' -- subject(s): Reptiles, Juvenile literature

What has the author Robert F Mathewson written?

Robert F. Mathewson has written: 'The how and why wonder book of birds' -- subject(s): Science, Juvenile literature, Birds, Readers 'The how and why wonder book of reptiles and amphibians' -- subject(s): Amphibians, Juvenile literature, Reptiles

What group of animals do Snakes belong to?

Snakes belong to the group of animals known as reptiles.