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Tuatara are reptiles of the order Sphenodontia. They are the only survivors of their order, which has existed since the time of the dinosaurs.

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Q: What is the order name for tuatara?
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Related questions

What do you call a baby tuatara?

There is no particular name for a baby tuatara. Newly hatched tuatara are called hatchlings, and tuatara that are not yet adult are simply called juvenile tuatara.

This reptile is the only surviving member of its order?

The tuatara is the only living species in the order Rhynchocephalia. The tuatara is the only living species in the order Rhynchocephalia.

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What type of animal is a tuatara?

The tuatara is a kind of reptile of which there are only two species, both found in New Zealand. Although the tuatara looks like a lizard it is not. Rather, it is the last surviving member of the order Rhynchocephalia.

What does the maori name tuatara mean in English?

The Maori name of tuatara is translated as "peaks on the back". This is because this New Zealand reptile, is characterized by raised peaks along its back.

What is the tuatara's scientific name?

Either of two nocturnal lizard-like reptiles (Sphenodon punctatus or S. guntheri) that are found only on certain islands off New Zealand and are the only extant members of the Rhynchocephalia, an order that flourished during the Mesozoic Era. Also called sphenodon.

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Is a tuatara a dragon?

No. Iguanas and tuatara are quite different species. Whilst both iguanas and tuatara are reptiles, the iguana is a type of lizard, whereas the tuatara is not classified as a lizard.

What Vertebrate group is the tuatara in?

The tuatara is a reptile.

How many species of the Tuatara are there?

There are only two species of tuatara: The Northern tuatara (Sphenodon guntheri) and the Brothers Island tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus).

How did the tuatara get its name?

The tuatara was given its name by the Maori of New Zealand. Its name means "peaks on the back", as this lizard-like reptile is characterised by a series of peaks along its back. It is considered to be a living fossil, and the most closely related to the dinosaur of all modern creatures.

What species is the tuatara?

The tuatara is a reptile confined to a few islands of the shores of New Zealand. it resembles most lizards, and is one of the remnants of the dinosaur age. Tuataras eat spiders, small birds and insectsThe Tuatara is a reptile that has lived longer than the dinosaurs.