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Inland Taipan is not world's most toxic venomous snake else rightly saying it is terrestrial world's most toxic land snake on earth. Neither it is Beaked Sea Snake (Enhydrina schistosa). Snake which is 100 times more venomous than Taipan, Beaked Sea Snake or any other snake on earth is hydrophis Belcheri.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

There is no fully proven anwser as of today, but in current reseach it's estimated that the "Inland Taipan", native to Australia and also known as the "Fierce Snake" is the most venomous snake in the world.

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Q: What is the most venomous snake including sea snakes?
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it depends how venomous the snake is. But yes, most venomous snakes can kill a lamb.

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Whether a snake is diurnal or nocturnal does not affect if it is venomous. Some are venomous but most are not. The same is true of nocturnal snakes. If you see any snake and are not sure if it is venomous, don't take the risk.

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Could be a lot of snakes. Better to look at the head. In North America, snakes with oval heads are most likely a non-venomous snake. Diamond heads are most likely venomous. The only exception is the coral snake.

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if you mean by sea snakes, than yes. in fact, sea snakes are the most venomous type of snake in the world. the 10 most toxic sea snakes are the belchers sea snake( world's most venomous snake 100 times more venomous than the common taipan) banded sea snake, yellow bellied sea snake, Dubois's Reef sea snake, stoke sea snake, olive sea snake, elegant sea snake, electic sea snake, Fiji sea snake

What snake is poison?

There is no such thing as a poisonous snake. They are venomous, but not all of them. Most of the population of venomous snakes is in Austrilasia. Other countries/continents with venomous snakes in it are Africa, USA, India and one or two in UK.

What is the most poisionou s snake?

The most venomous snake in the sea is the belchers sea snake. The most venomous land snake is the Inland Taipan found in Australia P.S.venomous snakes are not poisonous,they are venomous

Can a king snake kill a poisonus snake?

yes, especially to the king cobra which is by far the largest venomous snake reaching up to 18'. but when matched against similar sized venomous snakes they usually win as it is believed they are immune to most venoms. king snakes are colubrids which is they are constrictors

What snakes dont have venom?

All snakes are non-poisonous but there are venomous snakes as well as snakes that are non-venomous. Rat snakes, gopher snakes, king snakes, garter snakes and boas and pythons are some examples of non-venomous snakes.

What is the second most venomous snake in the US?

The Eastern Coral Snake (Micrurus fulvius) is considered the second most venomous snake in the United States after the Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake. Its venom is highly potent but the snake is shy and rarely bites humans.

Are bull snakes poisonus?

Yes, the Eastern Brown Snake is very poisonous and is the second most poisonous snake.

What are the most poisonous land snakes?

inland taipan is the most venomous snake in the world as of now. remember though, poisonous means something deadly that is ingested. venomous means something that is injected, therefore, snakes should be classified as venomous, not poisonous.

What are the poisons snakes?

Firstly snakes are venomous not poisonous, there is a huge difference between the two. There are 100's if not 1000's of different species and sub-species of venomous snakes. Too name a few: rattle snake, cobra, green and black mamba (black one is a beautiful looking snakes and extremely dangerous), a puff adder, gaboon viper, a inland taipan (the most venomous land snake, native to Australia) etc. Your best bet is to Google venomous snakes and you'll see there are thousands of different sub species of venomous snake