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meet the crocodilian family:

Alligators, Caimans, Crocodiles and the Gavial belong to the Vertebrate class Reptilia, Order Crocodylia, Family Alligatoridae. There are 23 living crocodilian species recognized, and they're found in over 90 of the world's countries and islands. Crocodilians are generally found in the tropical regions, being unable to survive and reproduce successfully in cold climates. However, the American alligator and Chinese alligator are the most cold-tolerant and are both found in the highest latitudes of any species. Alligators and caimans (the family Alligatoridae) are found almost exclusively in North, Central and South America. The sole exception is the Chinese alligator which is found in eastern China. There are a handful of members from the family Crocodylidae (true crocodiles) in the Americas, but the majority are found throughout Africa, India and Asia. The single member of the family Gavialidae (Indian gharial) is found in India and adjacent countries.

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