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The mass nesting of sea turtles is called an arribada.

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Q: What is the mass nesting of sea turtles called?
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What salinity does sea turtles live in?

SEA turtles. Yes.

Why are people trying to help sea turtles?

Because they are endangered due to poaching and loss of nesting grounds.

What is a group of turtles called?

AnswerA group of adult sea turtles would be called a Bale. A group of baby sea turtles would be called Hatchlings.

How many hawksbill sea turtles are left?

There are Approx. 8,000 nesting females left

Why do turtles get rid of salt in their body while nesting?

Turtles eliminate excess salt from their bodies by secreting it through their tears while nesting because they need to maintain a delicate balance of salt and water in their bodies. By expelling excess salt, turtles can prevent dehydration and maintain proper physiological functions during the nesting process.

What is a learned traits of a sea turtles?

Green Sea Turtle. Green Sea Turtles (Chelonia mydas) undertake lengthy migrations from feeding sites to nesting grounds. ... To nest, females leave the sea and choose an area, often on the same beach used by their mothers, to lay their eggs.

Where do sea turtules travel to?

Sea turtles migrate to specific areas depending on what species of turtle. Green sea turtles migrate along the coasts from nesting to feeding grounds. However, some swim across the Atlantic Ocean from the Ascension Island to the Brazilian coast.

Why are leather back sea turtles called leather back sea turtles?

because of there leather shell

Do sea turtles only live in the sea?

No, sea turtles do not only live in the sea. Although they spend most of their time in the water, nesting females go on land to lay eggs in nests that they make on the beach while others spend some time resting on beaches, such as those in Hawaii.

Why are green sea turtles in endanger?

They are Classified as endangered, green turtles are threatened by over harvesting of their eggs, the hunting of adults, being caught in fishing gear and loss of nesting beach sites.

How many babies can sea turtles have?

Sea turtles do not have families. The female turtle lays her eggs on shore and then leaves. The babies hatch but never return to their mother. Female turtles usually lay about 100 eggs at a time.