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Basically an alligator has a longer snout than that of a crocodile. Oh, and BTW it's alligator :))

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Q: What is the diff bet crocodile and aligator?
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What is the song name for interior crocodile aligator?

the song is on youtube all you do is type ininterior crocodile aligator

What is aligator?

Aligator is a crocodile. But a little smaller. Ussually live in swamps. and white.

What is the difference between a aligator and a crocrodale?

an aligator has an a shaped jaw and a crocodile has a c shaped jaw.

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Is aligator and crocodile the same?

Nope - they are completely different species.

What is the difference in terrain from an aligator and a crocadile?

Alligators typically prefer freshwater environments like swamps, marshes, and rivers, while crocodiles are more adaptable to various habitats such as freshwater, saltwater, and brackish water. Crocodiles tend to be more aggressive than alligators, with a narrower snout and teeth visible when their mouths are closed, compared to alligators that have a wider snout and teeth hidden when their mouths are closed.

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Would and aligator and a crocitile fight if they saw each other?

The Crocodile would not fight with an alligator as an alligator is smaller and many crocodile species live in different countries of the world that alligators do.

Diff bet anarobic ane aerobic bact?


What you a aligator house?

I a pile of pecans, but mostly i aligator

Where did the Albino aligator come from?

The Albino aligator came from its mommy.