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It is mostly eating a cactus but sometimes they eat like flowers andshrubs and stuff :)

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Q: What is the desert tortoise favorite plant?
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Is desert tortoise a reptile?

Yes, the desert tortoise is a reptile. It is a species of tortoise native to the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. They have a distinctive shell and are cold-blooded animals.

What is a statement for ''desert the herbivore tortoise is a''?

"The desert tortoise is a herbivore."

Is a desert tortoise a herbivore a carnivore or a decomposer?

A desert tortoise is a herbivore.

Is a desert tortoise rare?

The desert tortoise is considered (2014) as a threatened species.

Is the desert tortoise a vegetarian?

Yes, the desert tortoise is a vegetarian, it eats only plants.

From what region is the desert tortoise?

The desert tortoise is a native of parts of the Sonoran and Mojave Deserts.

Is a desert tortoise a consumer?

Yes, a desert tortoise is a consumer as are all animals that live in the desert.

What does the desert tortoise do to stay cool in a desert?

The desert tortoise spends nearly 95% of its life underground to avoid the heat.

What kind of tortoises are in the Mojave Desert?

The desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) is the kind of tortoise found in the Mojave Desert. This species is native to the southwestern United States and parts of Mexico. The desert tortoise is a protected species due to its vulnerable status in the wild.

Where does the desert tortoise fall in the food chain?

A desert tortoise would be a first level consumer.

Can a tortoise live only on land?

Yes, there are desert tortoise.

Is a tortoise a producer?

No, a desert tortoise is a consuer. It feeds on plants.