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Q: What is the baby name for a sea jelly?
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A jelly baby

What is the scientific name for a deep sea jellyfish?

penut butter and jelly

What is the least popular jelly baby?

You are the least popular jelly baby.

When was Adventures of a Jelly Baby created?

Adventures of a Jelly Baby was created in 2005.

Why do all sea creatures have a different baby name?

Names of baby sea animals?

How do you make jelly sweets?

1 get some jelly 2 buy a jelly baby cutter 3 ct out a jelly baby from your jelly with your new jelly baby cutter 4 admire your jellybeby 5 eat your jelly baby 6 feel sorry that you only made one

How do you make a jelly baby scream?

You tickle its tummy, n then stroke its little jelly baby head, then it looks at you then you KNOW! That jelly baby's gonna scream if you dont stop tickling so uve got to carry on!! Tickle Ti kle TICKLE or get a baby cover it in jelly then punch may be cruel but its a screaming jelly baby :D

What does a baby name Mar'Ja mean?

Of the sea

What are some species of jellyfish?

portuguese man o war jellyfish blue moon jelly sea nettle sea wasp jelly lion's mane jelly box jelly fish and etc

What actors and actresses appeared in Jelly Baby - 2012?

The cast of Jelly Baby - 2012 includes: Philip Hancock as Sam

What type of jelly are jellyfish?

Err, they are not jelly. They are sea creatures. Jelly is an artificial food product invented by man.