Which is more dangerous the bull shark or great white shark?
well the great white is larger but the bull shark is more like
it attacks more. so really the bull shark is more dangerous. bull
sharks are more dangerous because they are an aggressive species of
shark and they tend to hunt in waters were people often swim like
along the tropical shorelines bull sharks live through out the
world in shallow, warm ocean waters. they also swim up into
freshwater rivers, humans are not part of a bull sharks normal
prey, when a bull shark goes after a person its because the big
fish is curious or because it simply mistakes a person for prey but
bull sharks will eat almost anything. they sometimes eat dolphins
and sea turtles. they hunt during night and day so thats why bull
sharks are more dangerous.
Also most recorded human deaths caused by sharks are from bull
sharks. It is believed that around half of the recorded human
deaths from Great whites are actually caused by bull sharks due to
similarity in behavior and shape.