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If it won't eat and it's shell is soft, it isn't getting adequate heat and light. It requires UVA and UVB light to digest food. It must bask in the light and be completely out of water in order to dry its shell so it doesn't get soft. If you don't get it the proper heat and light soon, it will die. They can't survive for long without proper heating and lighting.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Soft-Shell is a common disease, and is caused by a lack of adequate light and/or Vitamin D.

As far as lack of light goes, sometimes taking away and glass or perspects between the light and the turtles is a goood idea as it can filter out the UV.

Hope this helps :)


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16y ago

It needs calcium in it's food. That disease could kill your turtle.

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14y ago

Uh, well gee...I believe if my turtle was HALF DEAD, I would TAKE IT TO THE VET IMMEDIATELY before it's ALL DEAD!

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Q: What is happening when a Red Eared Slider turtles shell gets soft?
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Does a Red eared slider have a backbone?

Yes, all turtles have backbones which are located under the shell.

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a mobilian turtle (male or female) MALE-has long claws and bottom of shell caves in and there is a hole halfway on the tail FEMALE-has short claws and also the bottom of the shell should come out or be flat and the hole shold be right where the tail starts.

Is it normal for your red eared slider to have white spots on it you have 3 turtles and in the last week one of them has got several white spots on it?

no it is means your turtle has shell rot

How can you determine a red eared sliders age?

if the red eared slider's shell is 15cm. it is 5 years old!

How do you tell if your red eared slider turtle is a boy or girl?

flat bottom shell female, indented bottom shell male, he has to be able to stay mounted

Why does your red ear slider turtles shell not smooth?

gago ka

Is a painted turtle poisenness?

Common Problems in Aquatic Turtles General information. Aquatic turtles, such as the red-eared slider, have several unique problems. ... Cystic calculi. ... Prolapses. ... Irregular shell growth. ... Shell fractures or trauma. ... Algae on the shell. ... Skin and shell sloughing. ... Salmonella.

Can Red-eared slider turtles eat boiled chicken eggs?

Yes, but only as a treat. Turtles need a varied diet, and Red Eared Sliders move to a more plant based diet as they grow. Giving them too much protein can cause odd shell growth, and eventual deformation.

Why is a red-eared slider always in its shell?

Because it's afraid. Heat lamps held if you don't already have one.

Can red eared sliders be only 17 inches?

A 17-inch red-eared slider would probably hold the Guinness World Record for biggest red-eared slider turtle. A very large adult red-eared slider is a little over a foot long from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail, with a shell around 8 to 9 inches long. A more average size (especially for males, which are generally smaller) is around 9 to 10 inches from nose to tail, with a 6 to 7 inch shell.

What is a red eared turtle?

A red eared slider turtle is a turtle that has red ears on its side and really long claws, he or she's shell is a dark green color and has a a long tail. A red eared slider turtle is a turtle that has red ears on its side and really long claws, he or she's shell is a dark green color and has a a long tail. bbgfffhftdeeesertdjkbvgddr56typij;tdfse57uvob biydcr5seivu

Can the fish live with the red eared slider baby turtle?

Yes, as long as it is large enough to accommodate the turtles. While a hatchling can live in a 10 gallon aquarium, it will soon need a 100 gallon aquarium as these turtles get up to 12" in shell length.