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a snake that is so poisonous that it can kill you in two steps it came from the Vietnam War

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Q: What is a two step snake?
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IS there a 2 step viper?

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Is there such snake known as the three step snake?

During the Vietnam war the Malayan pit viper was referred to as a 3 step snake. ie.You supposedly died only 3 steps after being bitten. In reality, although bites from this snake can be extremely unpleasant (severe pain, swelling & tissue necrosis), the chance of death is minimal and certainly wouldn't happen that quickly.

In Vietnam what color is the coral rattler or 2 step snake?

One snake was called a "Two-step" by GI's, because the word was you could only walk two steps after being bitten before you died. This may have been a myth to keep GI's alert in the bush, because there are no known snakes in the world that can kill that fast. We know it as a coral snake. The fastest known killer, Africa's Black Mamba, can kill in about 2-1/2 minutes if bitten directly into a major artery or vein that goes straight to the heart. Anyways, the Coral snake are a large group of elapid snakes that can be subdivided into two distinct groups, Old World coral snakes and New World coral snakes. Red on yellow is the term that the snake is real and red on black is a snake that looks like a coral snakes.

When was Two-striped Garter Snake created?

Two-striped Garter Snake was created in 1860.

is a two headed snake poisonous?

It depends on the breed of the snake, I would think.

How is solving a two step equation different from one step equations?

In a two step equation, you need to do another step.

How many eyes in snake eyes in craps?

Snake eyes in craps refers to rolling two ones on the dice. There are two eyes on each die, so a total of four eyes make up snake eyes.

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