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I called my geckos Rio and stripy but here are some other names.....

















...........Hope you like them

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12y ago

Well, it depends on the color and gender.

Lets say it's a girl and she is green, then you could name her Gigi as in G for green.

Or a boy and he is brown, you could name him Benny or Bruce.

If you don't know what the gender is then call it whatever you like, maybe you had a close relative that has passed away. You could maybe name your Iguana after him/her.

Good luck finding a good name, hun!

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12y ago

Iggy or Izzy is the most common name for an iguana but if you want is to be special i could just be like Isabella my iguana is named Iggy it a fun name to say Hope i helped!

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13y ago

dis penguin i got my ig wen he wus about 1yr old from afriend & i named him dimitri dat a good name,no?

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15y ago

Iggy would do :D

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Q: What is a really good name for a Iguana?
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What you a good name for a lizard?

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What is baby iguana called?

The common name is the 'Green Iguana' probably the most common/famous iguana

What is the scientific name for the iguana?

Iguana is a genus of herbivorous lizards native to Central America. There are two species of iguana, Iguana delicatessima (Lesser Antillean Iguana), and Iguana iguana (Green Iguana). There are several similar genera that are commonly referred to as iguanas.

What is the latin name for Iguana?

Common Name: Green Iguana. Latin name: Iguana iguanaalsoIguana family (Iguanidae).The Mexican spiny-tailed iguana (Ctenosaura pectinata)The black spiny-tailed iguana (Ctenosaurasimilis).

What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the reptile Green iguana?

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Iguana iguana.

What is the scientific name of the iguana?

the answer is that the scientific name for the iguana is the same its always going to be an iguana because its the same animal witch its a reptile.

Are collard greens good for your iguana?

letus but it has no potein, but hibisc flower they go CRAZY but strawberries,plantains and broccial is really good for them.

Is looking after an iguana easy?

Not really

Why is a iguanas scientific name called iguana iguana?

Sometimes, there are no answers for these questions. I'm sure that you accidentally read Iguana as what we call it, then the scientific name and thought it was all one, or there could have been a typing error in the thing you read (or I guess if you heard it, there could have been an error in speech). If these aren't good enough answers, then you might as well be asking me why ANYTHING exists... exactly kinda ...basically most animals scientific names are based on family and genus a green iguana's family is iguanidae, and the genus is iguana so it would be iguanidae iguana which would be simplified as iguana iguana.

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How many iguana species are there?

13 in all species of iguanas iguana 2.fujji iguana 3.spiney tailled iguana iguana 5.rock iguana iguana 7.marine iguana 8. desart iguana 9. rhino iguana 10. cayman iguana 11. chuckwella 12. water dragon 13 basilisk/ jesus christ lizard

Scientific name for ground skink lizard?

The "true" iguanas are the genus Iguana, such as the green iguana (Iguana iguana). However, the name is applied to other genera of lizards, such as the desert iguana (Dipsosaurus dorsalis).