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I have 12 year old Red ear slider turtle. He is comfortable with temperature between 21C to 23 C. When he's sick, you can increase the temperature to 25 C. When he's comfortable with the temperature, he's more playful and very active. When it's too cold, he gets to be more passive.

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12y ago
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13y ago

Temperature: Different species of turtles may have different temperature requirements. Most species will do fine with a water temperature that ranges from 75-80°F (24-27°C), though this may need to be adjusted for some.

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8y ago

Turtles don't necessarily need a specific temperature to live in. Try to keep the climate steady, and as close as possible to about 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

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12y ago

Turtles need to be kept in 72 to 85 degrees tempature.

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11y ago

Warm!it makes the turtle feel good and safe in his habitat

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10y ago

you want to have them in an aquarium under a heat lamp and under a nutrition lamp> :D hope it works did for me

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16y ago

70 to 80 degrees is ideal.

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Q: What temperature do turtles need?
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Temperature: Different species of turtles may have different temperature requirements. Most species will do fine with a water temperature that ranges from 75-80°F (24-27°C), though this may need to be adjusted for some.

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usually you need to convert the temperature of their water to 40 degrees F. then they retract and sink to the bottom of the water. this is normal just FYI

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turtles are cold blooded because they are reptiles. reptiles live in cold places so they are cold blooded

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