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thay are poisonous to fireflies/lighning bugs and ice burge lettuce and that's all i know if u have any more questions about bearded dragons then e-mail me at


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What is smarter a tree frog or a bearded dragon?

a bearded dragon

Is a juvenile bearded dragon a normal bearded dragon?

yeah its a normal bearded dragon it just means its like a teenager not a baby not a adult x

Is the bearded dragon native to California?

No it is not ! The Bearded dragon is a native reptile of Australia.

When was Eastern bearded dragon created?

Eastern bearded dragon was created in 1829.

When was Central Bearded Dragon created?

Central Bearded Dragon was created in 1926.

Bearded dragon lizard?

Yes a bearded dragon is a lizard.

What is the order name for a bearded dragon?

The full breakdown of the groups for a Bearded Dragon are :-Domain:EukaryotaKingdom:AnimaliaPhylum:ChordataClass:ReptiliaOrder:SquamataSuborder:LacertiliaFamily:AgamidaeSubfamily:AgaminaeGenus:Pogona

How fast can a bearded dragon?

A bearded dragon when adult can run up to 15 mph

Which lizard is best for a beginner reptile owner chameleon or bearded dragon?

Bearded dragon.

What is the Scientific name for the Bearded Dragons?

Bearded dragons are in the family pogona but the most common bearded dragon in captivity worldwide is the Central Bearded Dragon; pogona vitticeps.

How oil duis a bearded dragon?

IF you meant "How old does a bearded dragon live to" the answer is about 15 years.

What is the diet of a bearded dragon?

Obviously bearded clams