No, only poisonous ones there are cottonmouths, copperheads, rattlesnakes, coral snake.
No, snake bones are not poisonous. Only the fangs and related glands are poisonous, and only a minority of snakes are poisonous.
Only if you electrocute the snake before it bites you.
Only if you put it in your eyes.
Most poisonous snake have fang.
A snake
The adder is the only poisonous British snake, and is a reptile.
the most poisonous is the beaked sea snake
England has no 'poisonous' snakes but does have a single species of venomous snake - the adder (Vipera berus).
Technically, no snake is poisonous. However, some snakes are venomous. Only about 1 out of every 4 species of snake is venomous.
The only venomous snake native to the UK is the Adder (Vipera berus).
No part of a rattlesnake is poisonous, including the skin. However, they do produce a venom that is dangerous if injected but not if consumed.