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Q: What instruments attract snakes?
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Do lilacs attract snakes?

Lilacs do not attract snakes.

Is it true that bird feeders attract snakes and other vermin?

Spilled grain and seeds attracts rodents. Rodents attract their predators, which may include snakes.

Does rabbit urine attract snakes?

as far as i know i do not think so

Do swimming polls attract snakes?

They might in very dry areas.

Do rabbits attract snakes?

Rabbits do not typically attract snakes because they are not a natural food source for most snake species. Snakes are more likely to be attracted to areas with abundant prey such as rodents, birds, and insects. However, snakes may still pose a threat to pet rabbits in outdoor enclosures, so it's important to take precautions to keep both animals safe.

Do pregnant women attract snakes?

Not really, but snakes can smell the extra weight/meat in your body, so they might notice, but that does not make them more obtamed to attack you.

Do toads keep snakes away?

No toads don't eat snail shells in fact it's quite bad for them.

What instruments make snakes dance?

Snakes do not actually "dance" in response to music or instruments. They may move in a way that appears to be dancing as they respond to various stimuli or instincts, but they do not have the cognitive ability to appreciate music or rhythm in the way humans do.

How do snakes attract their prey?

Snakes use various methods to attract their prey, such as ambush hunting by remaining still and camouflaged until prey comes close enough to strike, or using pheromones to lure prey towards them. Some snakes may also use movement or vibrations to mimic prey or create a visual distraction that draws prey closer.

Is there a plant that repels snakes?

* Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosmary) repels snakes but more importantly insects that attract the snakes. * Cymbopogon citrates(Lemongrass) repels snakes * Marigolds (Tagetes) repel snakes and mosquitoes * Tulbaghia violacea (Wild garlic) repels snakes - it is planted by the Zulus around their homes.

Instruments with magnetic fields ega compass should be stored in containers made of steel or iron?

Steel since magnets attract iron.

Do pythons have anything special to attract its prey or food?

With scent. During the breeding season, female snakes give of a scent that the males can 'home in' on.