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Its the same as a human. If you cut off the head you cut off circulation to the brain

so no

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11y ago
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15y ago

NO! snakes cant grow back together! And don't try to see if they can grow back cause they wont! :)

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15y ago

snakes will not grow back wen they get cut up. i now that cuz once a snake was on my porch and i killed it with a shovel. it died

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10y ago

It can't. A snake's head contains the brain, which controls vital functions.

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10y ago

No. A snake's head contains the brain, which controls vital functions. If a snake loses its head it will die.

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12y ago

Yes for seven minutes or so

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15y ago

no the head will not grow back

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13y ago

The snake dies.

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8y ago

Absolutely not !

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Q: What if you cut a snake in half would it grow its tail back?
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