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Q: What food is in a hard shell?
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Is the shell soft or hard?

The shell is hard.

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Do grass hoppers have a hard shell?

Grasshoppers do not have a hard shell.

Do hard candy shells of M and Ms melt?

Yes, the hard candy shell of M&M's can melt if exposed to high temperatures. The shell is made from ingredients like sugar and food coloring that can liquefy when heated, causing the shell to lose its shape and become sticky.

How does a oyster protect it self?

with it's hard shell with it's hard shell

How are the tortoise shell useful to them?

The tortoise's shell is their home. The shell has a hard cover and can protect them when something hard hits it. If they do not have the shell, they would have died fast.

What does mollusc mean?

Its a soft bodied hard shelled animal, some folk say food in a shell. Slugs are defined as land snails with no shell but I sure wouldn't eat them.

What is the name of a hard shell animal?

A hard shell animal? Like a crab or snail?

What is hard covering of egg called?

The shell.

How hard is a clams shell?

really hard

What is the name of the hard shell of crabs and toitoises?

The hard shell of a lobster is known as the chitin.

What is the function of the hard external shell in mullucks?

The hard shell protects the very soft body of the mollusk.