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they do not

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Zackery Schumm

Lvl 13
2y ago
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12y ago

None ! ALL snakes are carnivores - there are no vegetarian species !

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Q: What eats grass snakes?
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What eats grass and snakes?

they do not

What eats needle grass?

snakes, butterflies, bees

What type of snake eats a rabbit but also eats grass?

There is no such animal, There are no snakes that eat grass or any other plant.

When was Snakes In the Grass created?

Snakes In the Grass was created in 2010.

How goats eats grass?

It eats grass by grazing

Where do you look for grass snakes in England?

in the grass that's why they are called grass snakes also look in the undergrowth

Can grass bite?

All snakes can bite but grass snakes rarely do unless provoked.

What eats the gopher snakes?

a hawk or other snakes

What eats red oat grass?

the red kangaroo eats red grass

What if your puppy eats grass?

Usually when a dog eats grass it helps them with digestion.

Does snakes in the grass need apostrophe?

The word snakes is a common plural noun. It requires no apostrophe.Snakes in the grass is an idiom.If the word snakes has a possession or belonging, it needs an apostrophe.The snakes' movements through the grass left trails.

Does a heron eat grass?

no a heron eats fish not grass you fool no a heron eats fish not grass you fool