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Geckos make prey items to almost any carnivorous creature. Geckos have a very soft body and make easy picking for: Birds of Prey, snakes, other geckos, medium - large sized mammals, large Spiders, anything bigger than the gecko really.
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Snakes, Birds Of Prey and large Rodents.

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What birds eat geckos?

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How does a gecko support itself?

it eats and eats

What eats mealworms?

A leopard gecko eats mealworms.

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a gecko

What does the beaded gecko eats?

The beaded gecko of the colenyx family are insectivores eating live prey.

What animal eats monito gecko?

a black rat

What is a gecko's niche?

A gecko's niche is probably that it eats mosquitoes to help other animals from them.

Is a orange spotted gecko a herbivore omnivore or carnivore?

A orange spotted gecko is a omnivore. It eats plants and meat.

What are the Predators of a Gecko?

Cats, snakes, dogs everything that eats meat

What are the importance of a gecko?

Geckos are well important, man cos we's eats them up lad!

Is a gecko a omnjivore?

Not all gecko species are but indeed some are. An example of a gecko that eats both insects and fruits are the Crested Geckos, native to the islands of New Caledonia. They rely on a multitude of fruits, nectars, pollens, insects, spiders etc..

Are Gecko herbivores?

No they are insectivores which means they eat insects they never eat plants because i have a gecko my own and he doesn't eat the phoney baloney stuff. He only eats bugsActully, they are insectivores! That means they have a consistante diet of small insects. In a geckos case, crickets, meal worms, wax worms, super worms. Check your local pet store to find out what kind of gecko eats what.