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It looks like the design on the back of an ambulance

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Q: What does the snake on the pole lacing string design look like?
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No earthworms don't have a front nor a back its like a picece of string metiforicle speaking or a snake

How can I effectively weave shoelaces to create a unique and stylish design for my shoes?

To create a unique and stylish design with your shoelaces, you can try different weaving techniques like the ladder or zipper lacing methods. Experiment with different colors and patterns to make your shoes stand out. Practice and patience are key to mastering intricate designs.

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Take it to ur local sporting goods store like MC Sports or Duhnams.. They did mine for free, you just havr to buy the lacing

What are some easy tips and techniques for creating simple string art for beginners?

Some easy tips for creating simple string art for beginners include choosing a simple design, using a sturdy base like wood or corkboard, hammering nails evenly spaced along the outline of the design, and then wrapping string around the nails in a pattern. Experiment with different colors and patterns to create unique and visually appealing string art pieces.

What are some key considerations to keep in mind when creating a string light design?

When creating a string light design, consider factors like the length and color of the string lights, the spacing between bulbs, the power source, and the overall aesthetic you want to achieve. It's important to plan the layout carefully to ensure even distribution of light and to account for any outdoor elements that may affect the lights.

What is needed to make a liquid snake?

Liquid snake is a character in the popular video game metal gear solid. To make liquid snake you will need excellent programming and games design skills. To make yourself look like liquid snake you will need; - Leather pants - A Trenchcoat - A blonde wig - Serious attitude Good Luck!

What is a plant that looks like a snake called?

A plant that looks like a snake is called a "snake plant."

In mgs4 Do you play as big bossnaked snake like in snake eater or do you play as snake solid snake like in mgs 1?

solid snake like in MGS1 but he is refered to Old Snake now.(He went through an accelerated ageing proccess

Did Medusa like her snake form she was given?

no she did not like her snake head

What are some string art ideas for beginners to try out?

Some string art ideas for beginners to try out include creating simple geometric shapes like triangles or squares, making a heart design, or experimenting with a basic outline of an animal or plant.

How have string intruments changed over time?

String instruments have evolved over time with advancements in technology and materials. Early string instruments were made from natural materials like animal gut and wood, while modern instruments often use synthetic materials. Additionally, the construction and design of string instruments have been refined over time to improve their sound quality and playability.

What does an IUD string feel like?

An IUD string feels like fishing line.