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The medical symbol of a snake coiled around a rod comes from ancient Greek mythology. Asclepius was the Greek deity associated with healing and medicine. The rod's formal name is the Rod of Asclepius.

Note that there is only one snake coiled on the Rod of Asclepius. The staff surrounded by two snakes is mistakenly used for medical professions occasionally; this staff, called the caduceus is actually the staff carried by Hermes, the messenger of the gods and guide to the dead.

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Q: What does the medical symbol of snakes on a pole represent?
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The south pole and the north pole.

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The North Pole does not have a physical red and white pole. The image of a red and white pole is a common symbol used to represent the North Pole, but in reality, it is a geographic location in the Arctic Ocean where the Earth's axis meets the surface.

Why is that pole with a snake on it the symbol of medicine?

That is the Rod of Asclepius. It is a popular misconception that the Caduceus, a winged rod with two encircling snakes, is the symbol of medicine; it is not. The symbolism of the Rod of Asclepius is vague, and there are various interpretations. Some have to do with the dual nature of some medicines, being poison or cure, depending on how it is prepared and taken. It also might be that the shedding of skin by snakes is a symbol of the renewal of life. See links for more.

North west Indians?

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Why do logos of pharmacies have snakes on them?

there are two symbols associated with medicine with snakes on them. 1: rod of Asclepius: it is a pole with a single snake wrapped around it. it is a ancient greek symbol associated with astrology and with healing the sick through medicine. 2: Caduceus: it is a pole with wings at the top with two snakes wrapped around it. It is the wand of Hermes. although this is historically incorrect it is believed to have become associated with medicine because of its link with alchemy (hermes being the god of alchemy).

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