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Turns and runs(mouth open) to the nearest tree.

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Q: What does the frilled lizard do if the above display does not intimidate its attacker?
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Related questions

What color are Frilled lizard?

The frilled lizard is a slight khaki colour.

What eats a frilled lizard?

the frilled lizard eats all of the same things of the normal lizard

Predator of a frilled neck lizard?

The main predators of frilled neck lizards are birds of prey, snakes, and larger lizards. These predators are able to catch the frilled neck lizard either on the ground or in the trees where they live. The frilled neck lizard has developed its unique defensive display of extending its frill to try to scare off potential predators.

Are Frilled lizard extinct?

The Frilled Lizard is not extinct; its conservation status is "Secure."

What color are frilled neck lizard?

The frilled lizard is a slight khaki colour.

Where is frilled lizard?

Most frilled lizards are in Australia.

How long is a Frilled lizard?

depends on the lizard.

What is a chlamydosaurus niche?

The chlamydosaurus, or frilled lizard, occupies a niche as a ground-dwelling lizard that specializes in sprinting on two legs to flee from threats. They are adept ambush predators, feeding on insects and small vertebrates. Their frilled neck serves as a display structure during territorial disputes and courtship rituals.

How long is a frilled neck lizard?

depends on the lizard.

What kind of lizard has fans on the sides of its head?

Frilled lizard.

What kind of lizard looks like a dilophasarus?

frilled lizard

Does a frilled lizard hiss?
