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Jaguars prey on wild pig,deer,capybara,monkeys,and pretty much whatever they can catch.The third largest cat on earth,their powerful jaws can crack turtle shells with ease.They can even kill the mighty anaconda,and the caimans that live in their habitat.Only the tiger and lion can match the jaguar in jaw strength.Jaguars and tigers are the only big cats that like to swim.

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12y ago

Like all wild cats, Jaguars are pure carnivores that feed exclusively on Meat. Jaguars are Apex Predators that are on top of their food chain. They will hunt anything that it can wrestle and kill. They usually prefer deer, capybara, tapirs, peccaries, wild dogs, foxes etc. Given an opportunity they will even kill a Caiman (A Type of Alligator) or an Anaconda. Smaller species of prey like Mice, birds, sloths, monkeys, tuttles etc are caught and consumed when they are found.

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13y ago

snakes, rodents, capybara, agouti, caimans, foxes, rats, badgers, monkeys, birds, fish, llamas, and goats.

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13y ago


Jaguars eat smaller caimans, turtles, capybaras, peccaries, and many smaller creatures. Maneating among jaguars is very rare, least among all big cat species.

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Q: What does the South American jaguar eat?
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Is jaguar are herbivore carnivore or omnivore?

A Jaguar is a carnivore (meat eater).

What rainforest does a Jaguar in?

dont worry Wolf5370: South American - Amazon

Do Jaguar's live in jungles?

Yes jaguars do live in the south American jungle.

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There are no jaguars in Africa. They are only found in North and South America.

Can people eat Jaguar?

yes they can eat jaguar

What country does a Jaguar live in?

Jaguar live in more than one country and are spread throughout both North and South America including USA, Mexico, Brazil, and most South American countries.

What other animals eat nutria?

In it's natural South American environment predators of the nutria include wild cats (Jaguar, Puma, Ocelot, Jaguarundi, Oncilla, Margay) feral cats and dogs, large snakes and possibly the South American fox. People, of course, raise and kill nutria for their soft undercoat also eat its meat.

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In it's natural South American environment predators of the nutria include wild cats (Jaguar, Puma, Ocelot, Jaguarundi, Oncilla, Margay) feral cats and dogs, large snakes and possibly the South American fox. People, of course, raise and kill nutria for their soft undercoat also eat its meat.

What is the difference between a South American jaguar and a African jaguar?

There is a mistake in your question as there are no African jaguars. Jaguars are native to the Americas, including South America, Central America, and parts of North America. They are not found in Africa.

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South American Red-lined Turtle Food

Is it illegal to eat a jaguar in Venezuela?

why would you eat a jaguar anyway you imberseal

Which country does the word 'Jaguar' originate from?

South American language Tupi jaguara c1600, taken by the Portuguese jaguar, used to describe Felis onca, the big cat of the Americas.