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It depends on the circumstances. If it's quickly flicking itself onto its side and back upright, it could have parasites, and is trying to dislodge them by rolling in the substrate. If it's a 'slow roll' for a length of time, it could be something more serious - like a neurological disorder. Either way, if you're worried - take it to a vet, and have them check the little- guy out.

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This sounds like a symptom of severe illness or secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism (caused by lack of calcium, vitamin D3, and/or UVB light).

Take the lizard to an experienced reptile veterinarian immediately, and check your husbandry (be sure you have the proper environment and diet).

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Q: What does it mean if your bearded dragon is rolling on its side?
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How big does a bearded dragon need to be to eat a pinky?

If the bearded dragon is an adult it should probably eat large pinkies.But if it is a young bearded dragon it should probably eat small or medium pinkies...Im 13 years old and my science teacher has 2 bearded dragon and i dont know alot about them but they can eat pinkies that are at least as big as his or her head...

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it is a hypo red bearded dragon

Does a in-fared light affect a bearded dragons sleeping schedule. because mine doesnt sleep while the lights on. should i put the light in the opposite side of his sleeping den?

Yes. Keeping an infrared light on will cause the bearded dragon to sleep, whereas a standard UV lightbulb will keep the bearded dragon awake.

How do you tell if you bearded dragon is hot?

The basic rule of thumb is that if it is always on the cooler side of the tank, youre probably safe to bet that you can lower the temperature on the hot side.

What I the usual temperature where the bearded dragon lives?

When owning a Beardie you need a cool spot of 75-80 and a hot side of 100-110

Why does your dragon go black?

Your bearded dragon can go black due to stress or just to let you know to leave it alone or maybe it feels threatened. I have been told that it does it to shows a dominant side.

how does a dragon move?

A bearded dragon has bones and muscles set up in a way that allows it to walk and climb on all fours. Its tail also helps for balance.

Is it ok to rub the side of a bearded dragons head and the holes on its head?

Rubbing a bearded dragon on it's back is perfectly fine. Many reptiles enjoy being rubbed or petted.

How do you know if a bearded dragon is too hot?

When bearded dragons get too hot, they will gape (open their mouths). However, if you have a proper set up that allows them to thermo-regulate, gaping shouldn't be a cause for concern as they can just move to the cooler side of the terrarium.

What does the Hindi word Karvate mean?

Karvate means rolling side to side in bed or in lying down position

Lizard's name on Nim's Island?

Bearded dragon is a unique reptile that is very suitable to adopt as pet. By understanding this animal in the wild and its origin, it is beneficial as a pet owner. After knowing its background, taking care of bearded dragons is much easier as vivarium habitat may be easily mimicked as close as possible to the natural environment. If you knowing your bearded dragon's behavior, you are better in handling this pet. This reptile is one of the family members of Agamidae, named Pogona in scientific term. The origin places of the dragons are from Australia. They can be found in the mainland of the Australia or near the coastal areas. The common bearded dragons that can be found in the pet shops today mostly are inland bearded dragon or sometimes known as central bearded dragon. They are named as such due to their natural habitat in the wild where they can be found; in central or mainland of Australia. There is another type of bearded dragon where they natural habitat is near the coastal area. They are better known as coastal bearded dragon. They used to be very popular in the pet community but getting lesser now. Other than 2 of these popular dragons, less common types of bearded dragons are Rankins and Vittikins. These are the reptiles which is quite hard to find in the pet shops. All of these reptiles are quite similar, but may be slightly different in size or their colors. They can be categorized as mid-size pet dragon. Male can grow up to about 24 inches long, and female is about 20 inches. Their tail is about half of the body length. The bearded dragons have rough skin on the back and side of the body but soft along the belly part. The lifespan of the bearded dragons is about 7 years or more. Due to the strict rules of int This reptile is one of the family members of Agamidae, named Pogona in scientific term. The origin places of the dragons are from Australia. They can be found in the mainland of the Australia or near the coastal areas. The common bearded dragons that can be found in the pet shops today mostly are inland bearded dragon or sometimes known as central bearded dragon. They are named as such due to their natural habitat in the wild where they can be found; in central or mainland of Australia. There is another type of bearded dragon where they natural habitat is near the coastal area. They are better known as coastal bearded dragon. They used to be very popular in the pet community but getting lesser now. Other than 2 of these popular dragons, less common types of bearded dragons are Rankins and Vittikins. These are the reptiles which is quite hard to find in the pet shops. All of these reptiles are quite similar, but may be slightly different in size or their colors. They can be categorized as mid-size pet dragon. Male can grow up to about 24 inches long, and female is about 20 inches. Their tail is about half of the body length. The bearded dragons have rough skin on the back and side of the body but soft along the belly part. The lifespan of the bearded dragons is about 7 years or more. Due to the strict rules of international pet trading, most of the bearded dragons found in United States and United Kingdom are captive bred locally. Most of the time, the bearded dragons that are on sale in pet shops today are mainly inland or central dragons where most of the hobbyist may find.

What ecosystem do wild bearded dragons live in?

Bearded dragons live in most parts of Australia. They were smuggled to America and sold into the pet trade. It is absolutely fine to own a beardie, and you should not run into any problems with the law because of owning one.