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• The anatomy of a turtle looks like an open turtle with all of the internal organs showing. A turtle is a reptile so it has internal organs with a closely related place to those of people. This includes things like the heart, lungs, bran, intestines, and bladder. Most have lines showing or pointing to where things are. It's like a diagram of a dissection.

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13y ago

actully they can be many diffrent colours like blue, green,yellows.and turqoise.

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9y ago

Green sea turtles appear to look like a land turtle. They can camoflage into their environment too.

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12y ago

bright green with brown stripes

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4y ago

Green sea turtles are called green sea turtles because of the green fat that is under their shell. It is green because of their vegetable diet. They have brown, reddish brown, or black markings on their shell.​

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Q: What does a green sea turtles anatomy look like?
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Hope this helps!!

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