Bearded dragons require a varied diet. They are omnivorous, and will eat a variety of items. A salad of calcium rich leafy greens and other vegetables should be offered every other day. The best greens include kale, collard greens, mustard greens, and dandelion greens. Insects can make up a substantial portion of the diet as well. Crickets, mealworms, and Zoophobas (king mealworms) are widely available and can be "gut-loaded". Earthworms are an excellent food item for your beardies. Depending upon the size of the bearded dragon, insects should be chosen by size. Hatchling dragons eat two-three week old crickets and adults will take six week old (full grown) crickets. Infant mice (pinkies) should be offered once a week to dragons over four months of age. Choose the age and size of mice according to the size of the lizard. Always feed bearded dragons out of a dish to prevent ingestion of substrate.
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**EDIT**you NEVER feed them earthworms, they can contain parasites and bacteria, and mealworms can cause impaction(YES even the king ones), Pinkies have bones in them and beardies cant digest them and at four months they are way too small to b eating them anyway. hatchlings should b fed pinhead crickets (or just get crickets that fit between the space Between their eyes). the substrate should b solid. in their natural habitat they dont live on sand, they live on a mixture of clay and sand packed down so its like concrete. Slate tiles are a great choice for substrate, they are easy to clean and file their nails so they dont get to long, also the slate tiles are quite cheap. so u dont Need a dish.
Bearded dragons do not eat mice, they eat vegetables and insects.
I may not own one but I plan on getting one and i did research.I found out..YES a bigger bearded dragon will eat a smaller one if they are both males
Bearded dragons are in the family pogona but the most common bearded dragon in captivity worldwide is the Central Bearded Dragon; pogona vitticeps.
It is possible for a cat to attack and potentially harm a bearded dragon if they are left unsupervised together. It is important to keep them separated to ensure the safety of your bearded dragon.
Shave it's beard.
A snake or other predator that is large enough would not hesitate to eat a bearded dragon.
Simple - put it in a small bowl inside the vivarium. If the Bearded Dragon wants to eat, it will when it's hungry.
The bearded dragon will kill and eat the gecko. Geckos need a completely different environment. It is inhumane!
Impossible - since the Bearded Dragon would never get big enough to pose sucha threat to a person !
yes as i own a bearded dragon and give him cabbage, broccoli and CELERY so yes bearded dragons do eat celery