To raise a lepord gecko, you need to have a good sized cage, climbing activity, a wet box, a cricket bowl, cricket calcium, crickets from PET STORES, a daylight bulb, a nocturnal bulb (you should have the day light bulb placed in at 9am or earlier until 7:50pm, and that's when you place the night bulb in)., a cricket cage.
You will need a tank-Small if young, large if older. Substrate (floor covering) Fine Sand (never sharp grained play sand) or wood chipping for older geckos, newspaper for young geckos (not cut up, one piece cut to size of bottom of tank). Hiding places - You can buy special little caves or hidey-holes for them at pet stores. It will need at least two of these. A water bowl will be needed - a shallow dish deep enough to drink from, but shallow enough so a cricket won't drown in it. For younger geckos, half fill a washed out coke-bottle lid (never sharp beer lids). One of the most important thing you need is a heat mat. This is an under-tank heater that can be bought in reptile stores. These are generally quite cheap. They need to be plugged in 24/7 and must only cover half of the tank. The gecko needs a cool area too! (be sure not to make the substrate too thick, or the heat won't get through). Geckos are carnivores (don't worry, you won't need to feed it steaks!) So they need live food. I feed mine crickets, which can be purchased from most pet stores, and all reptile stores. You can also feed them locusts, mealworms, wax worms (as an occasional treat) Adult Geckos will occasionally enjoy a live pinky mouse as a treat (please note this is illegal in the UK). You can also catch some wild insects, including moths, roaches, hairless caterpillars. Insects will need to be fed before being fed to the gecko, otherwise they offer no nutritional value. Feed them fruit and veg, and also give them water.
Sorry, this supplies list turned in to a bit of an instruction manual!
A leopard gecko needs a 10 gallon cage, a heat lamp with a red light, a heating pad, sand, a large water dish to bathe in, two huts for each side of the cage, and something with a rough surface to help it shed. There are many other necessities that you can get for a leopard gecko, but these are the main items that you will need
tell them it is really cute but mine died
I would say somewhere by 8/12 month's possibly more depending on the leopard gecko.
leopard geckos are not dangerous. unless you get it from somebody that might have made it very aggressive. in fact, leopard geckos make a great pet!
no it cannot die in a 20 gallon tank because i have 3 baby lepord geckos in 10 gallon tank
Since 2000 days lepord has been the dangerous animal,but it has some natural enemies.And sometimes a lion,crocodile or tiger would kill lepord and eat lepord.
It depends on the lizard. Leopard geckos should be housed in an enclosure by themselves or with other leopard geckos. If they lick the other leopard geckos then there is nothing to worry about.
yes, Lepord seals live in Antarctica.
The diet of a leopard gecko usually consists of live prey such as crickets, wax worms and mealworms. They have also been known to eat baby mice.
No, one gecko can live by itself.
You need the Homebrew Channel and an application called USB gecko to launch the USB gecko codes.
well the first snow lepord was found on a snowy montin and a lepord was coverd in snow