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If you have had your tortoise for a long time and know him or her well, then I would recommend that you take your tortoise to a Veterinarian who specializes in exotic animals such as tortoises for a check up. Your pet could have parasites internal or external, be too cold, etc. I would make sure that he has access to some type of warmth. They are cold blooded and cannot regulate their temperature. But if you have had this tortoise for awhile then you would be aware of this. Best answer is to take the tortoise to your Veterinarian and have a thorough check up, but make sure your Vet knows about tortoises and if he or she does not, then ask them to recommend a Vet who does.

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14y ago

If it literally sleeps all the time check it's heartbeat and if it doesn't eat you may have to take it to the vet so they can force feed it.You should take even a turtle to the vet regulary anyway.

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Q: What do you do when your baby tortoise has not eaten and sleeps all the time?
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Reptiles (like most animals) sleep when THEY need to - there is no set time. In the wild, they'd eat then rest in short bursts.

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What doos a snakes do?

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