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Most reptiles exchange gases through their lungs. The lungs of reptiles are folded so as to make enough room for gaseous exchange.

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and the thing on the lizard ear

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Reptiles breathe air using their lungs.

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Q: What do reptiles breathe with?
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What are the organs that baby reptiles breathe with?

Baby reptiles breathe air through their nostrils and their mouths into their lungs, just like adult reptiles.

Do amphibians or reptiles always breathe with lungs?

Reptiles always breathe with lungs. Amphibians may breathe with lungs, gills or through their skin.

Do reptiles breath through their skin?

No, reptiles usually have thick scaly skin and they can't breathe through their skin. Reptiles breathe using their lungs. If they are underwater they have to come to the surface to breathe. Reptiles have little slits of nostrils and can also mouth-breathe. Amphibians (frogs, newts, salamanders etc) are NOT reptiles. Amphibians often breathe through their skin, which is thin and wet.

Do reptiles breathe using transpiration?

reptiles have lungs. They breath by respiration.

Can reptiles breathe through skin?

No, reptiles do not breath through skin.

Do reptiles breathe air?


Do reptiles breathe underwater and on land?


Do marine reptiles breath underwater?

No. All reptiles, both on land and in water, must breath air. Marine reptiles can hold their breath from a considerable time, but must surface to breathe once in a while.

What is the difference between how reptiles breathe and how amphibians breathe?

Reptiles have lungs and breathe air exclusively, while amphibians can also absorb oxygen through their skin and lining of their mouth. Additionally, reptiles have a more efficient breathing system compared to amphibians.

Do reptiles breathe threw gilles?

No they do not have gills.

Do amphibians and reptiles breathe with lungs?


Do some reptiles breathe with gills?
