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Almost all small lizards eat many insects, larger lizards eat insects, even some small mammals and other smaller reptiles. Lizards are very fast runners and have good camouflage, they have quick reflexes. To get food lizards usually chase the prey or comouflage and use their quick reflexes to 'surprise attack' the insects.

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12y ago

by catching it

A frilled lizard will rest on tree trunks basking in the sun, it will be looking out for things it can eat such as crickets. When it sees movement in the undergrowth it will check it is not something that may eat it then it will run down from the tree and catch and eat whatever insect it is locust ,cricket or any other insect it finds edible.

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I have a bearded dragon and the longest he has gone without food is 3 weeksn i did not want to risk killing him so... ill tell you something great and helpful every lizard has a tail right? right so if every lizard has a tail why do they have a tail? well a lizard has a tail for FOOD STORAGE thats when they store there food incase they will be needing it later which most lizards need there food storage for there 1 week hybernation dureing winter. but if a lizard loses its tail it has to hunt for food more often as it did before because it has no storage available and the tail will re grow but the tail will be shorter it is easy to tell if a lizard is starving because of the following 1 the lizard has a skinny tail 2 the lizard itself looks like he hasnt eaten for a period 3 health issues a lizard can live without food for about 3-4 weeks...

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Listed from smallest lizard food for small lizards to largest lizard food for very large lizards: fruit flies, flies, small crickets, crickets, large crickets, grasshoppers, baby mice, mice, small rats, rats, large rats.

Can a lizard live for a week without oxygen?

I have a bearded dragon and the longest he has gone without food is 3 weeksn i did not want to risk killing him so... ill tell you something great and helpful every lizard has a tail right? right so if every lizard has a tail why do they have a tail? well a lizard has a tail for FOOD STORAGE thats when they store there food incase they will be needing it later which most lizards need there food storage for there 1 week hybernation dureing winter. but if a lizard loses its tail it has to hunt for food more often as it did before because it has no storage available and the tail will re grow but the tail will be shorter it is easy to tell if a lizard is starving because of the following 1 the lizard has a skinny tail 2 the lizard itself looks like he hasnt eaten for a period 3 health issues a lizard can live without food for about 3-4 weeks...

What lizard food can you find in your garden?

they smell the desert and see if they could find the food

How a frilled lizard survives?

They eat food and protect themselves. =)