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Q: What do green anoles do in the wintertime?
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Do green anoles like there habitat humid?

yes green anoles love their habitat humid

Can you have green anoles with a leopard gecko?


Is there are green anoles left in Florida?

yes there are a few types of anoles left in parts of Florida

Are green anoles endangerd?

Green anoles are the exact opposite of endangered.Their numbers are rocketing on the eastern border and are considered "vermins" for so many breaking into homes.

What lizard can live with a green anole?

a long tail lizard, other green anoles, bahman anoles, and curly tailed lizards can live with green anoles.... I've had them all in with green anoles.... they've done great!

Do green anoles breathe through their nose?


Can you get green anoles as pets in Australia?

I thought you were suppose to do that

Why do anoles turn green and brown?

its got something to do with time

Can green anoles and house geckos live with crested geckos?

no, they can't

What kind of chameleon is small and green and can tolerate being held?


Where do green anoles live?

They live in the United States and the Caribbean Islands.

Can green anoles be with water dragons?

i dont no but i tink de cold