I have three Baby Murray turtles, I let them play in the shower for abot an hour with no water.I would say they could go an hour without water.
Turtles are reptiles and are therefore not born in the water.
they think they need water
you look in the water and look for babies
Do baby Water Turles carry salmonella?
not sure - i think they can
My baby turtle sleep underwater. They need to be able to get on land and in fact they enjoy it! My turtles do fine out of water for an hr or more because they also sleep out of water. Turtles need time out of their terrarium so they can work out.
no, female turtles crawl up onto the shore and dig holes to lay their eggs. and when the eggs hatch, the baby turtles crawl down the beach into the water
Female turtles leave their baby's to find food
no they live in the water they're hole life