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Greenland, Iceland, New Zealand and Ireland all lack native snakes; however, some keep captive specimens in zoos and nature parks. Antarctica would also be included if it was a country.

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10y ago

New Zealand and Ireland does not have native snakes. However, some snakes are kept as captive in zoos and zoological gardens in these countries which are brought in from other places.

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Which are the only two countries in the world that no snakes?

It is a common belief that there are only two countries that do not have snakes. The countries of New Zealand, Greenland, and Iceland are said to have no snakes. Other countries include Norway and Ireland.

What is the difference between normal snakes and poisinous snakes?

Normal snakes dont have venom glands.

Which is country where snake is not there?

There is snakes in most countries, but in less exotic places like the uk, they dont tend to be deadly... mainly get things like adders or grass snakes:) but in more exotic places you get deadlier snakes.. like in austrailia you get rattlesnakes and other things like that!:) x

What countries snakes live in?

snakes can live in Africa or united staes

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they dont

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snakes dont poison people when they bite them but humans do

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No they dont - and neither do snakes ! Snakes defecate from an opening at the base of the tail called the cloaca !

Where is the only country without snakes?

It is a common belief that there are only two countries that do not have snakes. The countries of New Zealand, Greenland, and Iceland are said to have no snakes. Other countries include Norway and Ireland.

Why dont snakes have hair?

because they dont have any to keep it from getting into a tangled mess. they dont have hands, so they cant comb it. so, it would be pointless fr snakes to have hair.

Do snakes ever have knees?

No they dont have legs

Where does snakes get water in the desert?

they dont there are so many diffrent snakes some dont need water to live and some just die faster.....

What countries eat snakes?

Almost every country eats snakes But mostly China, they cook the poisonous snakes as well