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Owls have a few special features.

- Silent Feathers

Owl wing feathers are stiff on the leading edge and fringed on the trailing edge. This affects the way the air flows over the wings, preventing whistling sounds that birds make when they swoop in flight.

This makes them silent and deadly attackers to unsuspecting prey on the ground.

The feathers can also glide over one another silently due to the velvet-like texture. This is useful for avoiding detection by prey which have super-sensitive hearing.

Owl feathers and wings have been studied extensively by aerodynamic corporations in the process of designing silent and stealth aircraft.

- Sensitive Ears

The feathered facial discs surrounding the eyes of the owl also have hidden ear openings. The dish shape acts as a satellite disc, reflecting sounds and amplifying them. By tipping or turning its head, an owl can "tune in" to sounds made my even the tiniest prey and locate them. They also have asymmetrical ear openings that are capable of detecting even the faintest of sounds.

Once an owl has "tuned in" to its prey and pin-pointed its exact location, it can swoop down and grab the prey with perfect precision.

- Powerful Eyes

The eyes of the owl are extremely large considering their body size. Owl eyes point forward and are immovable, which provides binocular vision. The owls ability to rotate its head almost 360 degrees compensates for not being able to actually move their eyes.

They can see perfectly clearly in both day and night. In complete darkness their pupils are able to see objects that humans and most other animals would miss.

Contrary to popular belief, owls do not have night vision. They just have extremely powerful eyes.

- Complex Digestion

Owls have one of the most complex digestive systems in the animal world.

Their digestive system actually "sorts" through the food the owl swallows. The system identifies useful digestible material such as flesh and digests it. Any indigestible material, such as bones, are transformed into a pellet (or casting) and regurgitated.

- Razor Talons

Owls have razor sharp talons (claws) with an incredible grip for a bird.

Their talons are versatile and long as well as very sharp, they can grip prey with three front and one rear or two forward and two rear talons.

Once an owl snatches its prey in those talons, there is virtually no escape.

- Sharp Bill

Owls have a very sharp bill (beak).

Despite having razor-sharp claws, the owl does not usually use them to deliver the final death blow to prey. Instead, they use their sharp hooked bill/beak to slice, bash or decapitate the prey to death.

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9y ago

The cheetah is a cat, yet it has dog-like paws which are suited to running fast. The cheetah is the fastest of land animals.

It is an ancient mammal. It has been the fastest land animal for millions of years. It was a pet during the time of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt.

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13y ago

Big cats always hang around in packs or groups. They usually have big paws and very strong jaws and teeth for catching their prey. Alot of big cats are also very fast which also helps with catching food. They are very muscular all over their body.

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15y ago

its amazing speed,its sleek body,and its great hunting skills.

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your bixth

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