the weapon of defense of the mongoose is its high jumps his fast movements to kill the cobra or any snake
What is their defense weapons
Their Defense weapons are there1.Teeth2.claws3.Back feet
Weapons were needed for defense of the country from attack.
Weapons can be used for hunting, fishing, defense, and to have fun with. DO NOT PLAY WITH!!
A cobras defense weapon is their toxic venoum and their fangs but there is more!!!
Self defense.
Any weapon you might want to use in a fight to defend yourself with. Countries that have them, even call their atomic bombs 'defense weapons'.
Concealed weapons are typically used for self defense.
There are many self defense weapons that are highly rated. The most obvious one is yourself. Others include non-lethal weapons such as pepper spray or mace.
For defense and recreation.
Traditional self defense weapons can be purchased online, at sporting good stores or martial arts centers. Other self defense weapons such as mace, pepper spray, hand guns and taser guns can be purchased at trade shoes and gun dealers.